We sell all type of peripherals products specializing in higher end laser printers and line matrix printers as major source of revenue. We provide expert & high quality services for Workgroup laser printers , Heavy Duty Line Matrix printers, Thermal Bar Code printers used by automobile industries.
We sell laser printers for SME and small users where print load is less than 100 pages per day.
We sell Dot Matrix printers, Handheld scanners for Bar Code scanning and Document scanners.
We undertake comprehensive annual maintenance contracts for all type of printers/scanners across India for corporates, we also do 24/7 support for mission critical clients where print volume is high and applications are time bound.
We provide printers for rent for projects based needs.
We provide on-site warranty support for our associates during warranty period of new printers or devices.
We do one time installation across India for bulk orders, which are mostly government projects, on behalf of our associates.